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Garrett College Foundation


Because it is your college.

The Alumni Relations Committee and the GC Alumni Association are looking for former students who are interested in supporting its activities. These groups help to coordinate events for alumni, organize fundraising efforts, distribute Alumni Association scholarship funds, and determine the benefits of Association membership. Contact the Foundation at 301-387-3131 for more details.

Associations Benefits

  • Access to the Library
  • CARC Passes – Two 1-Day
  • Continuing Education & Workforce Development Discounts
    • $10 Discount on a Personal Interest Course (*Excludes GILL)
    • $25 Discount on a Workforce Development Course

Class Agents

Would you like to serve as a Class Agent? A Class Agent is an individual who is willing to serve as an ambassador for their class year. This liaison will reach out to their fellow students and facilitate the update of outdated contact information, share communication about events and programs, and provide updates about their classmates’ lives. If you would like to serve in this capacity, please contact Kearstin Hinebaugh at 301-387-3131 or at

Garrett College Foundation

687 Mosser Road
McHenry, MD 21541

Executive Director

Cherie Krug
McHenry Campus